Sensei Tarek Alawie
Tarek Alawie Sensei

T.A.A Lebanon

The Takemusu Aikido Association Lebanon (T.A.A.L.) is a non profit Lebanese Aikido organization, affiliated to the Takemusu Aikido Kyokai (T.A.K.), which in turn is affiliated to Aikikai Foundation.

The Takemusu Aikido Kyokai is founded by Paolo Corallini Shihan, 7th Dan Takemusu Aikido (received from Morihiro Saito Shihan, 9th Dan), and 7th Dan Aikikai, and Ulf Evenas Shihan, 7th Dan Takemusu Aikido (received from Morihiro Saito Shihan, 9th Dan), and 6th Dan Aikikai.

Tarek Alawie Sensei - 5th Dan Takemusu Aikido & 5th Dan Aikikai - is the president and head instructor of the Takemusu Aikido Association Lebanon, and officially qualified for teaching Takemusu Aikido. He is also the official representative of Takemusu Aikido Kyokai in Lebanon, in the Middle East and in Canada.

Tarek Alawie received his 1st and 2nd Dan from the Takemusu Aiki Intercontinental (T.A.I.) by Philippe Voarino Sensei the general Secretary of the (T.A.I.), 6th Dan Takemusu Aikido (received from Morihiro Saito Shihan, 9th Dan).

He received his 3rd, 4th and 5th Dan from the Takemusu Aikido Association Italy and his 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Dan Aikikai by Paolo Corallini Shihan.